Party Bus: 80s Style


Party buses have become a regular thing for us UG girls. Okay, so that is a lie, we have been on one and it was a school bus that was decked out with classy graffiti. Our first party bus ride had a makeshift stripper pole and was definitely all the fun in the world. However, we had a feeling that this party bus ride would probably be entirely different as it was the birthday of our dear friend Dan, who throws all of the awesome Drink, Eat, Play events. Dan has a special affinity for the 80s and even brought us to the totally awesome 80s Prom a couple of months back. This birthday was his Super Sweet 16, Part 2. He asked that everyone be dressed in their best 80s attire. However, we were nervous that we were the only ones that got the memo when we arrived at his house prior to the bus departure and saw that most were in regular club attire. Although Dan was in his awesome Maverick suit and had a night planned for us where we head to the Key Club to hear the San Fransisco based 80s cover band called Tainted Love.


party bus

This bus was super classy and his entire party was full of VIP service. As soon as we arrived at the Key Club we needed double wristbands and had the best seats in the house. The UGs are more “can service” than “bottle service” but for once, it felt great to party with the best. There were bottles of vodka for days and we were most definitely not complaining.

key club bottle service

Josie and Dan

One person we were very excited to meet was Tara of Tara Met Blog. It is actually quite funny because any and every time I go to an event and meet a Tara I always ask, “Oh, Tara Met Blog?” The answer up until this special Friday night has been “No sorry, but I know her.” We finally got a Tara Met UGs moment, and boy did it feel good. We all had more than a bit to drink and she became my favorite person to sing and dance next to. By the way, I think I have found the best solution for girls that don’t want to be touched by strange men. The solution is painful clothes. I bought an 80s rhinestone studded dress at a thrift shop for $4.99 but it is priceless because anyone that touched me that night got poked, pricked, and glittered. It was brilliant. Too bad Josie had to opt for the “can you switch places with me so that guy stops touching me” move.

Uncouth Gourmands with Tara Met Blog




Key Club

The band was so much fun and by the end of the night neither Josie nor I had a voice from all of the screaming and singing. We want to wish Dan a very happy birthday and a thank you for letting us join in all of the festivities. As a birthday present to him, I suggest we all buy tickets and fill the Speakeasy he is throwing in a couple of weeks. I feel the need…the need for speed in buying tickets to the Speakeasy on November 7th
